Things To Know About Website Downtime


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 website downtime

Website downtime happens to everyone on the internet. According to the present situation, many people are facing website downtime problems and even they can’t find solutions in this busy schedule thats why we are suggesting that you should go with best monitoring solution that will help to solve your website issues

What is Website Downtime?

When a website is unavailable completely or even not able to perform the primary task for its users, then the site is said to be down. This period of interruption is referred to as website downtime. In other words, we can say that when a site is out of reach totally and is loading too much and getting a 404 this called website downtime

Why should you take Website Downtime seriously?

Website downtime is a very serious factor for organizations today. It is inconvenient to an organization as it leads to customer disappointment, harmed brand image, poor search engine ranking, and loss of potential business and clients. As your website is the face of your brand and much of the time, it is the first and the most significant touchpoint in the excursion of your customers with your organization. Thus, your website being dependably accessible for clients ought to be your business' highest need.

What Causes Website Downtime?

While all website owners fear downtime, it is sadly unavoidable. It’s your job to ensure you get back online as quickly as possible to limit the effects of downtime Indeed, even the most famous websites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram additionally experience downtime, which generally leads to user frustration.

Various things can cause downtime. Be that as it may, every circumstance is unique. Here are some common factors that can result in your website going offline.

  • Traffic Overload
  • Malicious Attacks
  • Server Overload

Let's have a brief idea about the above factors

1. Traffic Overload

Traffic is a very essential term for growing your business. If you are getting too much traffic on your website and suddenly your website is not working and a 404 message occurs then what will happen? Ultimately your website traffic goes down and your website bounce rate will be high but still, you will not be able to monitor your website downtime 24/7 that is why you should visit some uptime monitoring tools that will give instant notification via email as well as you can track your uptime and downtime website reports via email notification. Uptime Monitoring tools can help to monitor your website downtime with awesome dashboards and tools. Its Easy & reliable uptime and performance monitoring solution, with highly customizable and fast status pages.

2. Malicious Attacks

Sometimes the increase in traffic that your website gets isn’t legitimate and is the work of hackers. For example, a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack on your website floods it with illegitimate requests making it impossible to respond to actual users. This not only slows down your website significantly but can also cause it to completely crash.

3. Server Overload

Your website is stored on a server that you are associated with through your web hosting platform. Your website is impacted by whatever occurs on that server, for example, infections. This can essentially affect your website's uptime.

Many people are using shared hosting for their websites, Sudden natural traffic spikes. If too many users attempt to use a site at once, it can crash a server, or cause server overload. when we use shared hosting and suddenly too much traffic on your server that time server will become slow and the server can slow your site down. so we recommend that Invest in a dedicated server to help mitigate against this. If you are facing these problems again with shared hosting then you can find the uptime monitoring tool to monitor your website and server performance.

How is Downtime bad for your website?

Downtime is bad for your website. If your site is facing website slow-down problems then you have to have instant solutions with the help of online monitoring tools.

Consistently you are disconnected and your business suffers. This implies that your website is either not available or loading slowly. Especially when it comes to doing business online, just a couple of seconds' delay can result in a loss of potential reach, customers and sales.

Below are some of the main ways downtime affects your website and business negatively.

  • Loss of Brand Credibility
  • Increases Bounce Rate and Search Rankings Suffer
  • Your Profits Will Take a Hit

How to prevent downtime

It’s your responsibility to set up a fast and efficient website. While you can significantly reduce the occurrence of downtime, there are cases, such as attacks that you won’t have much control over. but with the help of some tools and software, you will be able to reduce attacks and downtime. Here are some tips:

  • Choose a Reliable Web Hosting Provider
  • Confirm What Is Causing Your Site To Go Offline
  • Uptime Monitoring
  • Make Regular Backups
  • Use Social Media To Fill The Gap During Downtime

Final Thoughts

As mentioned above you should fix the issues causing downtime speedily. Fortunately, there are many tools and services that you can use to remove some downtime issues. These tools also make it easy for you to get your site back online in the shortest possible time.

Website down? That happens. Monitor your website 24x7